It was a beautiful day today, and I had a chance to look out over a sunlit panorama of a sylvan city, seeing it from a new vantage point with fresh eyes.
Today I noticed that even the lunch ladies at this Children's Hospital are gentle. Nurses, doctors, and specialists all betray signs of humanity, and it is so refreshing. No one has told us to go home or opined that we could take 'a day off'. Our opinions and our observations are heard, and respected.
The halls are covered with beautiful artwork.
There is a children's library.
I was able to read Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. LeGuin while rocking my son in a well-made glider, we two resting skin-to-skin.
While our boy is sick, looks sick, we feel confident everything possible is being done to heal our son as fast as possible.
... Moments of divine grace.
- V.
A much better statement
3 days ago
this is one of the things that i have been praying for; a better place for healing; may it continue, Lord have mercy ...
God is merciful...
Yesterday, while many of us were at the parish picnic, I stood and watched all the children playing together so joyfully. And I prayed that in time, Benedict would play among them.
Lukas and Leila (and their parents) are praying for baby Benet. We pray for strength, comfort, and health. God bless the three of you.
Thank you, Elizabeth, Churchmouse, FLL, and Matt, for your prayers and encouragement.
They mean a lot to E & I.
- V.
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