So much has happened in so few hours.
Over the past couple days E and I have been assured by family, friends, and near strangers that they were/are praying for our little boy. We have been overwhelmed by the support and love from so many, and we found ourselves shored up when we were most fragile.
The 24th was the single most frightening day of my life, and I know that I shed more tears in those horrific hours of waking than I have in the ten years (or more) preceding it. B.'s condition was serious, very serious, and it was treated aggressively. And the medical staff pulled no punches - they let us know, up front, the risks before us.
That was then.
At this time we have seen a series of X-rays showing a disease in remission, in marked remission - the pediatrician was "surprised at the speed" with which things began to turn. We have seen the removal of an IV, a UV, and an OG tube (less tubes protruding from our boy). Finally, he told us this afternoon that he did not expect the disease to flare back up. All that remains to B.'s stay, apparently, are the bowel rest, the antibiotics, and the slow reintroduction to food. In short, the crisis has passed, and God's name is glorified. On our lips, in our hearts, and on the lips and hearts of our friends.
So now, with hope and at peace, we can rest, confident that the journey ahead of us, though long (2-4 weeks more in hospital), will be a relatively straightforward one.
We thank, from the bottom of our hearts, all those who have prayed.
We celebrate those Saints by whose intercessions we know B. is being healed: his patron Saint, John Maximovitch, Seraphim Sarovsky, and the Holy Theotokos.
And most of all, and before all, we praise and worship the gracious God who loves mankind, whose eye is on the sparrow, who gathers the lambs in His arms.
Slava Bohu!
A much better statement
2 days ago
Blogosphere friends are praying, too.
May peace be brought to you all.
A blogospherical friend is still a friend.
Thank you for your prayers, Stacy.
prayers continued
We are praying here as well, along with our parish community at every Mass. May God bring the three of you home soon.
You and Benet are in my daily prayers, in my proskomedia, and in the prayers of the community of St. John the Forerunner.
Elizabeth, Les, and Fr. Jonathan, your prayers (and the prayers of your respective communities) are deeply appreciated.
More on this theme in a moment. And an update.
- V.
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