Yesterday at about three o'clock he was diagnosed with necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). Treatment will include complete bowel rest, 7-10 days of antibiotics, all nutrition provided intravenously for over 10 days, and considerable care given in reintroducing foods back into his system. Treatment may include surgery, an ostomy, etc., if he does not get better with the former. We should know within 48 hours in which direction the disease will turn.
I can't do much for my boy, except pray. And post this so that others may know, and pray also.
Lord have mercy upon our son.
St. B., patron of our baby, pray for him.
May the Name of the God of Jacob protect your little one.
Be assured of the prayers of our household.
Lord have mercy. Our prayers are with him and with you and E, brother..
God have mercy on your family, in his great love for mankind! You have my prayers.
Thank you, Ochlophobist, FLL, and Benjamin.
Your prayers are deeply appreciated.
More on Benet's condition to follow in a separate post.
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