After three interminable months, B. has been pronounced "cured" and we are home.
Praise God, we are home.
For those who wondered, I ran out of words, ran out of beauty, ran out of poetry. This happened roughly about the same time that our son had his third episode of NEC.
Sometimes all that one can do is wait in silence.
In any case, we are back.
Expect posts to follow, as parenting allows.
Thanks be to God for your son's recovery. Marta and I are overjoyed at his return to health. Many blessings...
Amen. Praise God for his answers to prayer.
As to the Blog hiatus, I'm sure everyone understands that your focus had to be entirely on your wife and son and his healing.
These blogs can become a task-master anyway. I haven't posted for awhile either, mostly because of time priorities between working and studying.
Praise be to God.
Thank you, Leaves, Les, and Benjamin for your kind words. Thank you for your prayers.
God is good; may His name be praised from ages to ages.
- V.
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